
B Team Creation Information

Here is an explanation of the team creation process so that there is transparency on how it works.

Skill evaluations are done by former players and/or coaches that are not affiliated with the Titans minor lacrosse program. Players are given a score out of 30 based on the following criteria:

Stick Skills
Passing Catching Shooting Cradling Loose Balls
- Proper Technique
- Accuracy
- Quality & Speed
- Proper Technique
- Consistency
- Ability to catch a poor pass
- Power
- Accuracy
- Velocity / Speed
- Do they do it?
- Proper Technique
- Ball Protection
- Proper Technique
- Speed
- Ability
- Agression
- Acelleration & Speed
- Strength to Battle Physically
- Fitness
- Work Ethic


After the skills evaluations, the player's pinny/jersey numbers are put through a snake draft to evenly distribute players based on their scores. This is an anonymous process as the player's names are not on the evaluation sheets. For the sake of transparency and fairness, the snake draft will be performed by a person who does not have a vested interest in the team or the division.

When the teams are made on paper, at least one parity game will take place to ensure that the teams are even. After each parity game, coaches and directors will have a meeting to make player trades if they are needed to reach parity.



Additional floor times will be announced on an "as needed" basis and are dependent on availability from the County.


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