General Schedule Info 2024

SCHEDULING NOTES - “When will my kid play?”

As we all try to navigate life and schedules the question of “when will my kids play” always comes up. Unfortunately this is not an easy question to answer in Sherwood Park. The GELC has guidelines on their website, which only apply to Edmonton rinks, and the GELC books those floors for the city clubs. Outside of Edmonton each municipality provides allocation. We are tied by this allocation and have floors to use at the County’s discretion. 

Below are some generic points and common situations, however, beyond this, until we have teams made and floors secure each year, the specifics can change


Our local governing body, Greater Edmonton Lacrosse Council (GELC), schedules ALL games. Please see the GELC 2025 Season Information for details.

  • U13 GAMES RUN 1HR 15M
  • U15 GAMES RUN 1HR 30M
  • U17 GAMES RUN 1HR 45M



‘A’ level evaluations are typically 2-6 sessions, which usually start the beginning of February and run until the end of the month. Please see the U13, U15 or U17 Division Homepage for detailed information and Evaluation times.

'B' level or parity team evaluations usually run mid March until the start of pre-season. This is for U9, U11, U13-B, U15-B, U17-B and all Womens Divisions (U11-U17). Please see your Division Homepage for detailed information and evaluation schedules.



  • Pre-season usually starts 2-3 weeks before the season.
  • The lacrosse season usually beings mid April, the second or third Monday of the month, depending on where Easter falls.
  • All teams will practice 1-2 times per week during preseason on weekdays.
  • All teams can be given shared floor times where each team is provided half the playing surface with the area in between the rag lines typically being a neutral zone. We try to have the same age group on the floor but when this cannot happen the disparity is typically only one division up or down.



  • Except in the U7 and U9, games are not scheduled for 'set' days or times.

  • Our game schedule is set by the GELC at the start of the season. For U7 and U9, games generally will fall on a week night, in the early evening, at locations closest to 'home'.

  • The schedule for the 2024 season will be set once registration numbers determine how many teams can be formed, and when the ice comes out of the hockey rinks that we are allowed to play in.

    • U7 are usually on the floor 1 time per week on Wednesday for a combined practice/game
    • U9 are usually on the floor 2 times per week on Tuesday/Thursday (one practice and one game). The GELC is scheduling U9 games to start at 6:00 PM or 7:00 PM.
    • U11 are usually on the floor about 2-3 times per week, Monday through Sunday. The GELC is scheduling U11 games on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a start time of 6:00 PM or 7:00 PM.
    • U13 'A' level and Womens teams are usually on the floor 2-3 times per week, Monday through Sunday. The GELC is scheduling U13A and U13W games on Monday/Wednesday/Friday with a start time of anywhere between 6:00-8:15pm.
    • U13 'B' level teams are usually on the floor 2-3 times per week, Monday through Sunday. The GELC is scheduling U13B games on Tuesday and Thursday with a start time of anywhere between 6:00-8:15pm.
    • U15 'A' level and Womens teams are usually on the floor 2-3 times per week, Monday through Sunday. The GELC is scheduling U15A and U15W games on Tuesday and Thursday with a start time of anywhere between 7:00-8:130pm.  
    • U15 'B' level teams are usually on the floor 2-3 times per week, Monday through Sunday. The GELC is scheduling U15B games on Monday/Wednesday/Friday with a start time of anywhere between 7:00-8:130pm.
    • U17 'A' level teams are part of the Wild Rose Lacrosse League (WRLL) and are usually on the floor 2-3 times per week, Monday through Sunday. Provincial league games will be played on the weekends and travel is required. Regional games can be scheduled any day of the week along with club practices.
    • U17 'B' level and Womens teams are usually on the floor 2-3 times per week, Monday through Sunday. The GELC is scheduling U17B games on day of the week with a start time of anywhere between 7:00-8:30pm.
  • The regular lacrosse season usually runs from mid April until the end of June
  • Playoffs and finals can run into mid July for divisions U13 and higher
  • In Sherwood Park there are NEVER practices on the weekends during the season, unless a coach puts in special requests, which does happen
  • Please note there are always special coach requests and these will NOT necessarily fall into standard scheduling times
  • Most games are played on weekdays as well, however there may be some weekend games to accommodate teams that travel from Grande Prairie, Westlock, etc.
  • U7 and U9 Wrap-Up Jamboree June 15-16, 2024 
  • Depending on the division and team there may also be weekend play for other tournaments a team/coach chooses to enter

***For clarity, this means, during the entire season ALL teams will practice Mondays through Sundays on a home rink floor, unless a coach requests other specific floor times***



Upcoming Events

Jan. 12, 2025 to Mar. 31, 2025

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Mar. 15, 2025 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Come Try Lacrosse *FREE*
Millennium Place

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Mar. 19, 2025 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Drop In U7-U9
Millennium Place

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