Dear Titans Family,
The 2025 box lacrosse preseason is here, and we know you're busy preparing your growing player for the season ahead. As you gear up, don't forget to check one of the most critical pieces of equipment: your player's stick, especially the mesh.
For young and newer players, a properly strung stick is essential to developing correct techniques for cradling, catching, and throwing. A well-strung stick can make all the difference in their performance and confidence on the field.
The good news? Any lacrosse head can be restrung with a proper pocket and channel. To help ensure your player gets the best, Titans have partnered with alumnus Jaxon Baker. With two years of professional stringing experience at CanLax and NCAA-level playing expertise, Jaxon brings unmatched knowledge and skill in stick and equipment care.
Give your player the edge they deserve this season. Reach out to Jaxon and let him create a stick that’s perfectly tailored for success!
Restring with old mesh - $25
Restring with new mesh - $30-$90 (from basic to fully customized for the players position and needs)
Contact Jaxon